Cutter Morning Star students engaged in Science.

Malvern Physics & Chemistry in Action

Goza Middle School Instructional Facilitator, Della Miller, helping a group of students solve equations.

Positive Discipline trainings for Prek teachers.

Alexis Holley and Keith Dale are enriching the students at Cabe Elementary. From roller coaster construction, to incubation of chicken eggs, to Ancient Greek Olympics, these teachers are collaborating and providing cross curriculum experiences.

Dawson Superintendents collaborating and planning for the upcoming school year.

Gurdon PreK learning how to put their best smiles on everyday. 😀

Dawson Specialists working with Bauxite staff on curriculum planning.

Job Posting: To apply, submit the following to ellie.gaut@ade.arkansas.gov (subject line: "Application for Related Service Support Specialists")
•Letter of interest
•Contact information for 3 professional references

Job Posting -To apply, submit the following to ellie.gaut@ade.arkansas.gov (subject line: "Application for Regional Speech-Language Pathology Support Specialists")
● Resume
● Letter of interest
● Contact information for 3 professional references

Job Posting -To apply, submit the following to ellie.gaut@ade.arkansas.gov (subject line: "Application for Regional Educational Support Specialist")
● Resume
● Letter of interest
● Contact information for 3 professional references

Math Newsletter: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGMoBCJGbs/pb2nD8R1ZAPm6E30uEr-HQ/view?utm_content=DAGMoBCJGbs&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer

Happy Fri-YAY!!! 😀

Cook Center for Human Connection presenting Leadership and Happiness Symposium at Dawson.

Harmony Grove students in Mr. Reed's class learning about projectile motion.

Mrs. O'Neal's 3rd Graders at Jessieville comparing how different kinds of Hummingbird beaks collect nectar.

Science Newsletter: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGcT0F2S9M/a1MKthTPkN5m_bi_bCRUGw/view?utm_content=DAGcT0F2S9M&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=viewer

Check out our latest Studio D release here:
Youtube: https://youtu.be/xY7pK1ZEovU
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5qVS2pIxggIv4kVkyFjuKt